About Me
Monday, May 15, 2000 | 8:32 PM | 0 cutie ♥

| C h a n g | H i g h s c h o o l | D B S K | S a r a n g h a e y o |

I don't have much to say since I'm not much of a interesting person. D:
But its fine, since I created this blog, you guys will have something to read or look at! x)
I'm 15 years old, turning 16 this August the 31st. Found winglin, a fanfic site in 08.
Starting writing stories on there, but they were mostly JaeMin [Yaoi] and apply stories.
Which. . . . . . I never finished! LOL! But I'm sorry, life isn't as easy right? x(
Born and raised in the United States, but I'm Hmong. =) Seen Gran Torino? lol
If not, check it out. It's a good movie and tells you who I am. ^.^


Hover over the picture for navigation =)
Hi there :)
I've been living for 16 years on Earth.
Call me Rain <3


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