Wednesday, February 16, 2011 | 4:19 PM | 0 cutie ♥
Just when I think I can be happy, when I get just a little too happy, it seems like things will fall apart. Just when I think I can be happy, I can't. When I'm happy, others are sad, so how can I ever be happy? I don't know what to do anymore. I've lost my way but I still help others. But what can a person who lost their way say to others? Well, at least I've experienced in what they are dealing with. Even though I'm sad, I'll help others, because I can't leave my friends ruin their friendship. I help when it is needed, and when I know there's something need to be helped with. Even if I'm mad, I can never leave them or let things be undone. Okay, I'm going on with nonsense. I just need to get some stress and emotions out.

- Obliiviious


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Hi there :)
I've been living for 16 years on Earth.
Call me Rain <3


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